On Broadway

April 3, 2008

It’s raining this morning, so here is a quick catch-up post for Tuesday!


Although there’s not near the fascination for lower Broadway as when we first visited Nashville ten years ago, we still make the visit. There’s a great little brewery, Big River, where you can get the absolute best burger down by the river. So that’s a must for lunch one of the days.


There are two t-shirt shops for every venue, but it’s fun to make the walk just the same. As you pass by the clubs you can hear the musicians through the doorway. I think they must start early in the morning and most have a cover charge. There are some talented people, but it always seems kind of sad to me to think they headed this way to make it big and ended up in the clubs on lower Broadway.


We always stop by Hatch Show Print to see what they have for sale in the way of past prints. Willi has framed a large print of theirs for his office wall from an earlier trip. And it’s a good piece of Nashville history, still alive and well.


Willi always likes to stop by Gruhn Guitars. I waited outside this time while he went in and fantasized about what we couldn’t afford to bring home. I’m a people watcher, so sitting on the planter was fine by me. As a side note, it’s neat to see the posters from Hatch in the windows of the various business.


Although this one is not from Hatch, it caught my eye. It was sponsored by the business association and encourages people not to give to the panhandlers, but to funnel that money toward organizations that can really help them. I wonder how many songsmiths have left family and home to make it big, only to end up in the streets.

We did make to to see some bloomers yesterday…but that’s another post!

The tunes we have been enjoying are posted over on Musicana, if you would like to see where we are spending our evenings…

8 Responses to “On Broadway”

  1. Hilary Says:

    Great photos.. you sure have captured the feel for a city.

  2. Betty Says:

    I guess I understand the reasoning behind the “Don’t Give” sign, but it still seems a bit mean-spirited, doesn’t it?

  3. gawilli Says:

    Betty, It seemed that way to me at first. In past years you could not get in or out of the businesses on lower Broadway without someone following you and asking for money, but it has changed quite a lot. It was a little overwhelming. Now there are mostly musicians playing on the street corners with their guitar cases open so you can toss change in. I don’t think this is what they consider panhandlers. Information on the poster seems to point to giving money that ends up as liquor or drugs and suggests that if you really want to help them out, you could buy them a meal. They also list some organizations that provide healthcare and other assistance. That seems to be a good way to go.

  4. daddy d Says:

    Another fun travel day for me with zero cash outlay. Hey. Thanks again.

  5. Tink Says:

    Nashville has the most bums I’ve ever seen in one location, and I live in FLORIDA. Bums love Florida because it never gets too cold and they can always sleep on the beach. When were down in Nashville though, there was a bum every few feet. It was so sad… I’m glad to see they’re trying to do something about it.

  6. I’ve driven through Nashville so many times, but never really stopped to do much. I enjoy seeing it through your eyes!

  7. Willowtree Says:

    Love that mural!!

  8. Not the Broadway of my youth, New York, that is, but Nashville looks like an awful lot of fun. I wanna go!

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